Author Archives: lslick

About lslick

Just a gamer trying to juggle the lessons of life and actually applying it ^__^

Leaked Screenshots of Nova & Phoenix

Every now and then, a company leaks out information pertaining to a game that has not been released. In this case, Microsoft under the Xbox Live marketplace has unveiled screenshots of two characters that Capcom has not shown any information about in their new game Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. Both Phoenix Wright and Nova’s in-game images have been leaked out.

Looks like Nova is learning a thing or two from "Iron Man"????

Look at that smile from Phoenix Wright

From the looks of everything, Nova is shaping to be an interesting character especially in the versus games. Although, I cannot say too much on Phoenix Wright considering he only appears in the team order right above the health bar, Phoenix Wright still has his million dollar smile. More information will be introduced in upcoming weeks around the time of New York Comic Con. Stay tuned.