Tag Archives: Evil Cole

Sir Daniel And Nariko Revealed In Playstation All-Stars [UPDATE: Video Restored]

In a gameplay video by Gamespot, they show off two new characters for Sony’s upcoming mascot fighter Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. First is Nariko from Ninja Theory’s Heavenly Sword. Nariko’s moveset looks similar to Kratos, which makes sense considering the weapons are what originally inspired her game’s creation. Her level 1 Super is pretty effective when everyone’s crowded around. With her is Sir Daniel Fortesque from the PS1 classic MediEvil. He looks to be the heavy hitter in the bunch and prefers close combat. His charge can really close the gap between him and his opponents.

I’ll let the guys in the video explain how they play. Nevermind that. They made the video private. So instead, I’ll show some screenshots from the video in question. It’s live again now that Sony has introduced them. But I’ll keep the pictures up. Hit the jump to see them.

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale: Nariko, Sir Daniel [Youtube, via Gamespot]

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