Tag Archives: outrun

The Outrun Test : An Exercise In Self-Evaluation

It only took a week, but I finally achieved a single clear in Outrun, perhaps my favorite of the ‘classic’ SEGA library.


This wasn’t my first rodeo, I own and finished ports for both Nintendo 3DS and SEGA CD.  What changed things up this time around was that the arcade machine in Yakuza 0 has fixed difficulty settings and it’s pretty brutal.

And when I say it took a week, these were pretty big sessions, an average of three hours every day.  The last session when I finally won reached just short of seven hours.  For reference, a playthrough from beginning to end only takes about six minutes.

For me, Outrun has always been a therapeutic outlet.  Clearing it only took so long because I couldn’t focus, my mind was elsewhere.  It’s not only useful for treatment, this is the perfect game for testing mental stability.

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Night-Time Listenings Wrap-Up: Week of 7/23/12

This week in Night-Time Listening, we chilled. We really chilled. So chilled you’d freeze. We started out with music from Viewpoint. Then we hit up the smooth sounds of OutRun 2006. We flew on our Rocketbelt with Pilotwings. We were at the ocaenside with Chrono Cross. And we camped in an icy mountain in Xenoblade.

If you want to see the music as it goes up (and not wait every Saturday for these wrap-ups), remember to go to our Tumblr page and follow it. Music for Night-Time Listenings goes up every weekday at 10PM

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