Tag Archives: Ubisoft

UK Retailer GAME In Big Trouble, Not Stocking The Last Story

Just as news breaks that The Last Story was being released in North America, UK retailer GAME had downgraded everyone’s preorders of the Limited Edition version to the standard one. Now comes word that they won’t be stocking that version either and have cancelled all preorders for The Last Story. So far there’s no word yet if those preorders were getting refunded. As Metro point out, this is just another black eye in what seems to be a flurry of punches aimed at GAME as they try to survive losing credit insurance from banks. Ever since the credit downgrade and losing that insurance, it’s been difficult for GAME to stock games as companies are fearful that they won’t see those sales. GAME couldn’t stock Tekken 3D Prime Edition, Metal Gear Solid HD, and NeverDead. And now they’re having trouble stocking not only The Last Story, but practically all of Ubisoft’s Vita titles. That five games in one shot!

Hopefully this won’t spark a downward spiral for the videogame retail industry. Many have been citing the death of brick & mortar game stores as being close by. With the problems occurring at GAME and publishers’ efforts to curtail the used game market through practices like online passes and DRM, those analysts might have something to boast about. Though as a person from the outside looking in, it looks like the UK gaming public saw this coming (if the comments are anything to go by).

GAME won’t sell The Last Story or Ubisoft’s Vita games [Metro]

New Xbox To Deny Used Games?

No one knows for sure, but it’s one hell of a ball to drop if the rumors turn out to be true. According to Kotaku, a “trusted source” told Kotaku that along with the next Xbox supporting Blu-Ray and a new Kinect, the system would reject used games if the player happened to put one in. A rep emailed Kotaku later on with the usual PR bullcrap and dodging the speculation with, “Beyond that we don’t comment on rumors or speculation.” If the the no-used game feature is true, services like Gamestop and GameFly would suffer immensely, GameFly especially. Since this generation began, publishers has been fighting tooth and nail to halt the selling of used games with DRM, Online Passes, or simply skipping retail and selling online only. This would be the first time in consumer electronic history that used products would be banned.

Sources: The Next Xbox Will Play Blu-Ray, May Not Play Used Games (And Will Introduce Kinect 2) [Kotaku]

[NYCC] Hands On With Rayman Origins

The crew tries out a little bit of Rayman Origins. Things seem to go well at first, until they reach a point quite puzzling. Through some miracle, they make it through. And then… they break the game by accidentally activating the game’s Debug mode (toward the end). Enjoy

Ubisoft Ordered to Remove We Dare Ads From the Internet

Umm...are we doing something wrong?

We Dare, Ubisoft’s risque title for the Wii, has been the center of controversy ever since its trailer debuted. This was mainly due to the ages 12 and up rating given by Pan Europe Game Information (PEGI), as the trailer suggested gameplay involving provocative actions such as spanking and showed the players of the game undressing. But if all the negative press the game has been getting wasn’t enough, now PEGI wants Ubisoft to pull its advertisement off the internet.

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