Tag Archives: party fighter

Zeus And Isaac Clarke Join The Fray In Playstation All-Stars

Fresh off releasing Kat and Emmet for Playstation All-Stars, Sony has revealed two new characters for their take on the Party Fighter genre. First up is the main villain of the God of War series and and king of the gods, Zeus. He’s being set as a hard-hitting character, dishing out large, one-hit moves that send his opponents back and yields much buildup of his meter. His level 1 super is a standard, short-range move that can take out more than one character if timed correctly. His level 2 makes him levitate, following up with an attack that’ll KO his opponents. His level 3 turns him gargantuan, moving to the background (a la God of War III) and punching out his foes in one hit. The God of War series is the first one in PSAS to have two different characters (if you don’t count Evil Cole), i.e. there’s now a hero and a villain from a game. This opens the doors for more villains (or even sidekicks) from already represented series to come in. Could we be seeing Baron Praxis next?

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